We strongly believe that service is the key driver of a business in financial services which is why complaints from AXA customers are treated seriously and are shared with senior management to help inform how we can continuously improve the products and services we offer.

If customers have a complaint which cannot be settled quickly, we have a robust complaints procedure by which issues are thoroughly investigated and reviewed.

Company data

AXA Insurance UK plc

AXA Insurance UK plc complaints for the 6 month period ending 31 December 2024
Product / service Grouping Number of complaints opened by volume of business Number of complaints opened Number of complaints closed % closed within 3 days % closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks % upheld Main cause of complaints opened
Provision at reporting period end date
Insurance and pure protections 6.99 20,381 22,083 30.2% 52.4% 58.3% Other General Admin / Customer Service

During the 6 month period ending 31 December 2024, AXA Insurance UK plc received 6.00 complaints for every 1,000 policies in force.

AXA PPP healthcare limited

AXA PPP healthcare limited complaints for the 6 month period ending 31 December 2024
Product / service Grouping Number of complaints opened by volume of business Number of complaints opened Number of complaints closed % closed within 3 days % closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks % upheld Main cause of complaints opened
Provision at reporting period end date
Insurance and pure protections 15.011 24,510 24,363 64.8% 32.5% 56.0% Product performance / features

During the 6 month period ending 31 December 2024, AXA PPP healthcare limited received 15.01 complaints for every 1,000 policies in force1.

1 By ‘policies in force’ we mean lives insured.