We currently have over 260 apprentices across our UK business who are working towards gaining a professional qualification. Our apprentices can choose from a variety of courses, including IT, Marketing, Customer Service, Finance, Data & Digital and Human Resources. Despite the misconception that apprenticeships are for juniors, we believe apprenticeships are for everyone. It doesn’t matter how many years’ experience someone has; we want to help them on their career journey. That’s why our modern apprenticeships scheme provides a range of qualifications, from entry level 2, to level 7 - which is equivalent to a Master’s Degree, so there really is something for everyone.
By equipping our people with the skills they need to flourish and creating an environment that allows them to be the best version of themselves, we aim to drive a creative and diverse workforce that continuously looks to improve our products and services for our customers and partners.
Helping our talent grow
We spoke to some of our apprentices to understand why the scheme was appealing to them and why it’s something for others to consider.

I wanted to embark on the Improvement Practitioner apprenticeship to gain new knowledge, skills and experience because this was instrumental to my role. Even as an experienced Change Expert there were many new concepts, processes and tools I was introduced to. I would certainly recommend an apprenticeship for anyone wishing to enhance their current skillset.

I wanted to do an apprenticeship as I wanted to learn at the same time as doing the job. My experience so far has been really positive, and I have had so much support from the training provider and my colleagues at work. One of the benefits for me after this apprenticeship will be achieving a level 2 customer service certificate and I will have gained so much useful knowledge about customer service and the company.

I saw the apprenticeship as a great opportunity to further my own skills and career - to learn the theory behind a lot of what we do day-to-day and have an opportunity to step back and put it into practice has been tremendously beneficial. It has helped me with areas I needed to grow and learn in, helping me see and practice different approaches to get a better result. This has all been really beneficial for my own development and has supported me in moving up within AXA.
Supporting our customers and driving our business forward
Julie Webb, Client Delivery Team Manager at AXA Health, has worked alongside a number of our Customer Service apprentices and witnessed the value they bring to the team and how they drive results for our customers.
An apprentice not only benefits from a full programme of training and Continued Professional Development as an employee, but they also have the extra reward of a recognised qualification at the end. The variety and new knowledge an apprenticeship can bring to a team is invaluable. They introduce new thinking, new ways of working, and drive better outcomes for our customers.
To be a modern, forward-thinking business that adapts and innovates to meet the growing demands of our customers, we must provide our people with the skills they need to keep innovating. It’s important to us that we bring our people on this journey and we continue to invest in learning and development.