At AXA, we’re constantly looking for ways to put something back, to help make the world a better, safer place. And one of the things we put back is trees.
We’ve partnered with the Woodland Trust, Britain’s leading woodland conservation charity, to plant thousands of trees to achieve our ambition of being carbon neutral on our paper consumption by 2020.
Over a six-year period, we’re creating over 100 acres of new native woodland in the UK – the equivalent of around 60 football pitches – to help deliver resilient landscapes and support the habitat of native wildlife.

It’s not just a question of handing over a sum of money; we’ve actually been getting our hands dirty. Earlier this year, 100 members of staff visited Heartwood Forest near St Albans to plant over 2,500 trees.
In addition, a team from our Glasgow office visited the Woodland Trust’s Whinny Hill site near Loch Lomond to remove the plastic guards from the trees*.
“It's a great feeling that we were contributing to the environment something that will be appreciated for many, many years to come!”
This partnership is just one of the ways that we help charities and organisations. When we say we’re out to make a difference, we really do go out.
*The guards were originally put up over twenty years ago to protect the leaves from hungry roe deer.