How to take a holiday as a sole trader or retailer

Customer matters

19 June 2016

Here's how to take a break without worrying about your business suffering.

Unexpected claims stories

Safety and insurance

14 June 2016

We reveal why, in business, it makes sense to expect the unexpected

Why do we work differently in summer?

Managing people

13 June 2016

How can your business survive the summer lull?

Your self-employed checklist

Starting up

13 June 2016

Make sure you've got everything you need to go self-employed successfully

The perfect architect’s office set up

Workplace and wellbeing

13 June 2016

Architects: can you design an office to make you more productive?

Small Business Stories: Mike Stevenson

Growth and strategy

31 May 2016

We speak to Mike to find out what inspires him to keep his business going

Small Business Stories: Kelly Jones

Growth and strategy

27 May 2016

Kelly explains how a passion for baking led to the creation of her own business

Small Business Stories: Simon Maynard

Growth and strategy

27 May 2016

We find out how to cut it as a hairdresser from one of the world’s best

Small Business Stories: Gaynor Lane

Growth and strategy

27 May 2016

We asked The Garden Girl how she grows her business

Small Business Stories: Charlie Devlin

Growth and strategy

27 May 2016

Charlie discusses what it takes to be your own boss

SME opinions on the EU Referendum

Business news and opinion

18 May 2016

We asked small business owners to have their say on the upcoming referendum

Are you friendly with the competition?

Business news and opinion

18 May 2016

We ask whether business competitors are friendly rivals or bitter enemies.

What motivates small business owners?

Motivation and fun

18 May 2016

Love? Money? Making a difference? What really motivates UK entrepreneurs?

Top five small business superpowers

Motivation and fun

18 May 2016

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a superpowered small business owner

You don't need uni to start a business

Starting up

18 May 2016

Find out why a degree from the University of Life is all your business needs