A woman working from home

8 ways to stay relaxed at work

Workplace and wellbeing

15 August 2024

Stress at work can come in many forms, whether that’s an overbearing workload, looming deadlines or a challenging task.

In fact, a 2024 study by the Electrical Times found that an astounding 51% of SMEs admit to feeling stressed which can impact their general wellbeing.

These times of stress can fall to any employee at any point in the command chain, so it’s essential that you consider methods of managing your stress. Not only will you experience a better quality of work, but you may also see an increase in your mental wellbeing. If you’re balancing too many tasks, shouldering too much responsibility or harbouring stress from your daily work life, it’s time to take back control.

Can you relate? If so, read on for our tips and tricks to staying relaxed and productive at work. 

1) Time to take a break

When things get busy, it can be so easy to neglect your own wellbeing. The first sign of this neglect often comes from skipping your breaks.

Do you often find yourself gulping down some water and a sandwich while you clear out your email inbox or plan your staff allocation for the month? According to a study carried out by ezCater with 5,000 workers from all types of workplaces, half of survey respondents (48%) said they skip lunch at least once a week. Lunch breaks not only give you time to refuel for the remainder of the day, but they give you a much-needed break – ensure you don’t skip these to stay at your best.

Aside from lunch breaks, taking a few minutes away throughout the day can be invaluable in helping you manage stress as a change in scenery can help to keep you energised and motivated. Leave your work area, go outside and enjoy some fresh air as you give yourself a well-deserved reprieve.  

2) Practise mindfulness and meditation

According to The Workplace Health Report 2023, 73% of workers experience some sort of stress in the workplace. One way to combat growing anxiety and stress is by focusing on mindfulness and meditation. There are plenty of apps that can help guide you, and even just ten minutes per day could see you making strides over time in improving mindfulness.

The benefits of meditation go well beyond relieving work stress, and you may find it benefits all aspects of your daily life. According to Onepeloton, there are many fantastic benefits to practising meditation:

  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Better mental health
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Improved emotional control
  • Cognitive benefits
  • Better sleep
  • May lower blood pressure

There are many more benefits to meditation that could greatly improve your overall health and wellbeing. If you’ve never tried it before, why not give it a go and see where it may take you? It just might surprise you.

3) Listening to music

Tuning into your favourite radio show or thumbing through your most frequented playlist is often a great way to reduce stress during the workday – and it’s often super easy to incorporate into your day. Whether you’re a desk worker, often on the road or your afternoons are spent filing paperwork, there’s room in most roles for some music to keep your mood up throughout the day.

An article by Anneli B. Haake, music psychology researcher, states that from a study of 300 office workers, they found that listening to music at work helped them to better engage in their tasks and also escape the hustle and bustle of the office when they needed to focus. Those studied said that they listened to music in the office for over a third of the week – that’s a lot of good playlists!

And so, when things get stressful or you’re struggling to concentrate, don’t be afraid to turn to your favourite genre for an escape. And, to ensure you don’t disturb anyone else, don’t forget your headphones if you’re working in shared spaces with others. 

4) Consider your lifestyle choices

Believe it or not, your diet and lifestyle can play a huge role in how your workdays go. Things such as getting a good night’s sleep and ensuring you follow a balanced diet can contribute greatly to, not only your quality of life, but your overall mental wellbeing.

Did you know getting the proper eight hours of sleep every night can improve many things? WebMD tells us some of the benefits of getting more, better sleep. This includes:

  • Sharper brain     
  • Mood boosts
  • A healthier heart
  • Steadier blood sugar levels

Alongside improved sleep habits, your diet can also contribute to whether your workday is stress free or stressful. Drinks that contain caffeine like coffee and energy drinks may give you a boost in energy but when they wear off, you might find yourself crashing and becoming less productive as your body reacts to the spike in caffeine in your bloodstream. Similarly, foods that contain lots of sugar like fizzy drinks, processed foods like instant noodles, and sweet treats will see you in a similar state.

Making a conscious effort to make better diet choices that incorporate all the main food groups will set up for a day of productivity with naturally occurring sugars and plenty of energy to get you through the day. So instead of reaching for that mid-day chocolate bar, to get you through the rest of the day, try out a banana instead which will give you that boost you’re after. 

5) Clutter-free space, clutter-free mind

Our environments can have a bigger impact on our mood than many people may realise. A messy environment can impact your mood and therefore your quality of work. Keeping documents well-organised, working spaces clean, and desks clutter-free can assist you in having a good workday.

When organising, it’s a good idea to take things digital where you can, using programs such a Google Drive and One Drive to store files. Not only will this make sharing and searching easier, but you will also be doing your bit for the environment as you work towards a paperless environment. Better for your office security and confidentially, and better for our planet. 

6) Talk it out 

We know it can be easier said than done, but speaking out about stress genuinely helps. A friend will offer sympathy and support, which is important on a human level, while a manager, co-worker or HR team can offer practical solutions.

Your colleagues may come up with superb suggestions: a new software package, sharing a PA for a few hours a week, flexible hours if the work-life balance is the problem... You’ll never know if you don’t have the conversation, so please speak out. 

7) Try out Pomodoro

Pomodoro is a time-management technique that busy people swear by . The approach advocates 25 minutes of focused work followed by a five-minute break. After four cycles, have a longer reward break.

Immersing yourself in a single task helps you to power through your to-do list. If another thought pops into your head, put it on a Post-it for later. Thanks to the regular breaks, you never get that head-spinning sensation that comes from prolonged concentration. The long-term benefit is that you develop a good understanding of how long each task takes, giving you better habits in the way you work.

With Pomodoro techniques, you’re well on your way to a relaxed day no matter the situation. 

8) Stop multitasking

You might think that the ability to juggle many jobs is a huge time-management advantage. Actually, research by psychologists into multitasking showed that the mental switch we need to make as we move between tasks takes time. Even if this is a mere split second, the “switch costs” add up, and there’s also greater risk of error and reduced concentration.

This suggests that if you want to maximise productivity, complete one task before moving on.Having fewer things to juggle will keep you ocused and relaxed, helping you to produce your absolute best.

So, there you have it! 8 steps to keeping stress at bay at work and ensuring that your work life is as relaxed, productive and enjoyable as possible. Take back the reins and see better wellbeing in all aspects of your life, #FutureYouwillthankyou.

All links are checked and valid at time of publishing, 15th of August 2024.

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