Having plenty of get-up-and-go is vital, especially when you're launching your own business.
Take your cue from other successful entrepreneurs and put together a morning routine that will get you off to an enthusiastic start every day.
Get your body moving
Lots of entrepreneurs start their day in the gym. Exercise has the same energising properties as caffeine, and has been shown to help speed up mental processes and boost memory too. Your early-morning workout doesn't have to be a slog on the treadmill, though: DFJ's Tim Draper starts his day with a game of basketball, while Mark Sisson of Primal Blueprint goes for a swim and practices slacklining. Do whatever feels right for you, whether that's a five-kilometre jog around your local park or a few press-ups after your shower.
Set (realistic) goals
As soon as you sit down at your desk, jot down a to-do list. On Monday mornings, think about everything you need to do over the course of the week and parcel the jobs out over the coming days. Having a clear idea of which tasks need to be accomplished and when will give you a good roadmap for the week ahead. You'll also get a sense of achievement when you manage to tick something off. Be realistic, and don't overload your days – break down huge tasks into bite-sized chunks so that they feel manageable, and to increase the amount of tick-able jobs.
Do something that scares you
Once you've written your schedule, start each day by doing the thing you want to do least. This might be phoning a prospective client for feedback on a pitch, or working through a boring task that needs to be done. Doing it first thing means you won't be putting it off all day and feeling anxious about it. It also gives you a nice little boost; if you can achieve that before you've even had your second cup of coffee, what will you be able to do later?
Practice mindfulness
Constantly focusing on the big picture can be panic-inducing, so keep calm and think about the small things. Mindfulness and meditation can help you keep calm and avoid productivity paralysis, and practicing gratitude can help to get your mind into a positive space. Meditation has also been shown to switch on the 'smart' part of the brain, so instead of making knee-jerk decisions, you're more likely to consider issues from a different angle. One of the easiest meditation tricks is to sit somewhere quiet, close your eyes and focus on your breathing for one minute while ignoring any stray thoughts that slip into your brain.