Motoring tips and guides

Close shot of driver on road
How to claim for pothole damage

Car insurance policies

29 June 2023

Uncover everything you need to know about potholes, from claiming for damage through insurance and the local council to preventing pothole damage and caring for your car's tires.

Asian woman driving a car
Can I drive another car on my insurance?

Car insurance policies

3 April 2023

Discover the ins and outs of driving someone else's car, including the option to be added as a named driver, short-term insurance, and the implications of driving without the correct insurance cover.

Young woman using mobile phone next to her breakdown car on the road
What to do after a car accident

Car insurance policies

28 March 2023

Find out what you should do after a car accident, from who to call and what details to exchange, to submitting a car accident report and safeguarding your no claims discount.

The pros and cons of owning an electric car

Buying or selling a car

23 January 2023

Explore the benefits of electric cars, including tax credits, fuel cost savings, and performance advantages, while considering potential drawbacks such as higher upfront costs and range limitations.

A man packing his car roof rack
What are car modifications and do they affect my insurance?

Car insurance policies

20 January 2023

Delve into the impact of car modifications on insurance, from understanding what constitutes a modification to which ones affect your policy and the importance of declaring them to your insurer.

Toddler being strapped into his car seat
Choosing the most appropriate car seat for your child

Car and road safety

19 January 2023

Discover everything you need to know about choosing the perfect car seat for your child, from legal requirements to essential features and tips for purchasing the right one.

Traffic congestion under warning signs on the m1 motorway
What are smart motorways and how do they work?

Motoring advice

18 January 2023

Uncover the controversy surrounding smart motorways, from their purpose and safety concerns to what to do if you break down on one, providing essential guidance for your next journey.

Man plugging charger into his electric car
What you need to know about common electric car breakdowns

Car maintenance

17 January 2023

Dive into the world of electric vehicles, from the different types available to their reliability, breakdown solutions, and insurance cover options.

A wrecked car on a recovery trailer
What are the different car insurance write-off categories?

Car insurance policies

14 January 2023

Read AXA's comprehensive guide to car write-offs, including the criteria used by insurers, the impact of recent changes, and the implications of different salvage categories for vehicle write-offs.

Auto mechanic and his manager working on documents in a repair shop
MOT Testing Guide: Everything you need to know

Car maintenance

4 January 2023

Discover all you need to know about MOT checks, including the test, when to get one, consequences of driving without one, cost, exemption, reasons for failure, and how to check your MOT history.

British driving licence renewal form
Driving licence renewal

Motoring advice

4 January 2023

Uncover all you need to know about renewing your UK driving licence, from understanding when to renew and ways to apply, to costs, renewals for over 70s, and provisional licences.

Young girl taking lessons for driving on the road
Driving Test Practice Guide - How to prepare yourself

Motoring advice

4 January 2023

Get ready for your driving journey with AXA's comprehensive guide, covering everything from obtaining your provisional licence to acing your practical driving test and what to do after passing.