How to plan a party and protect your home

Inspiration and lifestyle

6 April 2018

You’re about to host a party. You’ve issued the invitations, planned the food and drink, and everything seems set. Now it’s time for the party risk assessment.

This isn’t as over the top as you may think – accidental damage can easily occur at even the smallest and least raucous of gatherings. Preparing for potential breakages can prevent any mishaps, and helps you relax and enjoy the party. Here are our top tips for hosting a stress-free gathering:

Spills and stains

It’s the nightmare scenario: red wine stains on your new fabric sofa, or even worse, a glass gets spilled on the pale-coloured carpet. Cover light fabrics if possible, and if your entire house is carpeted in white, perhaps re-think the red wine option. Invest in a stain-repair kit in advance, so you can deal with any marks promptly.

Drinks rings on wooden surfaces can be avoided with secured cloths, which will also prevent scratches. These days, many of us secure our televisions to the wall, which makes them less likely to get damaged. However, how will your DVD player or Sky box react to a major spillage? Tucking them away in a cupboard is a good idea.

Having a smashing time

Nobody brings out the antique tea set for a party; however, replacing your standard china or glassware can still be costly. Smashed items are embarrassing for the guest, potentially hazardous and awkward to clear up mid-party. Think about using disposable cups and plates, and if you prefer to avoid single-use plastics, you can find paper, palm-leaf and biodegradable options.

Damage to most furniture is unlikely, but you may want to remove any delicate pieces (like thin-legged vintage tables) from the main party space. Floor-standing plants, lamps and ornaments are easily knocked over in a busy space, so rehouse those, too.

Garden parties

An outdoor party – that sounds much less hazardous. Just make sure no-one tramples muddy shoes through the house on their way out, and your home can remain intact. However… watch out for impromptu games of football getting out of hand and breaking any windows. If you have good quality outdoor furniture, that can be as tricky to replace or repair as your sitting room suite.

Letting the kids in…

When it comes to younger guests, there are a few extra things to be aware of. We’ve already talked about drinks spillages. These can pale into insignificance when it comes to the mess that can happen around a birthday party tea table. Prevent jam, chocolate and other delightful foods from getting trampled into your carpet by hosting the feast in a carpet-free room. If this isn’t possible, place a large mat under the table.

Younger children can inadvertently cause minor mishaps, from knocking over a house plant (plus the soil) to blocking the loo. Of course, you’ll also need to be aware of safety hazards such as stairs, hot surfaces and unlocked doors. If you have pets, think about re-homing them for the afternoon.

Accidental damage

It’s always worth planning ahead to avoid the worst potential catastrophes, and a lot of party disasters can be easily avoided. However, for extra peace-of-mind, we offer accidental damage cover as an option with our home insurance policies.