A landlord's guide to the breathing space debt respite scheme
Landlord advice
16 November 2021
As a landlord, it’s important to understand the Debt Respite Scheme so you know what to do if one of your tenants receives a Breathing Space.
Ask the landlord: meet Andreea Plant
Landlord advice
2 September 2021
AXA speaks to Andreea Plant about what makes a good landlord.
Home insurance vs landlord insurance: what’s the difference?
Landlord advice
2 September 2021
If you let out a property you should take out a specialist landlord insurance policy. There are risks associated with a rental property that won’t be covered by home insurance.
A landlord’s guide to renting with pets
Landlord advice
30 June 2021
The pros and cons of tenants keeping pets in your rental property explained.
Risk management: protecting your properties during a cold snap
Landlord advice
23 June 2021
Cold weather can bring big worries for landlords. Here, AXA explains how to keep your properties on the up and up even if the temperature goes down.
Buy-to-let mortgages explained
Landlord advice
7 April 2021
How does a buy-to-let mortgage work? AXA explains everything you need to know about buy-to-let mortgages.
Residential vs commercial properties: guide for landlords
Landlord advice
18 February 2021
Thinking of buying a commercial property? AXA explains the difference between commercial and residential property in this landlord property investment guide.
Protect your rental property from storm damage: a landlord’s guide
Landlord advice
21 January 2021
Protect your rental property from storm damage and extreme weather conditions. Read AXA’s guide.
A landlord’s guide to tenant reference checks
Landlord advice
11 October 2020
Not sure where to start when it comes to tenant referencing for renting? Read AXA’s guide for landlords here.