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Work experience ‘worth the equivalent of two A Levels’, say employers
Financial results
16 September 2011
As thousands of school-leavers start the hunt for jobs or head off to higher education, a study into employability has found that dream careers are served by experience, not just qualifications.
Back seat learners – parents pass on lessons of aggressive driving, law-breaking and drink driving
15 September 2011
Research from AXA provides evidence that the behaviour of today’s young drivers can at least in part be blamed on the way their parents behave behind the wheel.
Ministry of Justice bans referral fees in personal injury cases
Financial results
9 September 2011
AXA welcomes the decision to ban the payment of referral fees in personal injury cases
Thousands of motorists fall victim to ‘ghost brokers’ warns AXA
20 August 2011
AXA, one of the UK’s largest car insurers, believes that up to twenty thousand motorists in the UK could be buying invalid car insurance through a rising number of bogus or "ghost" insurance brokers.
Planking, owling, batting – the holiday crazes to be avoided warns AXA
17 August 2011
AXA, the UK’s largest travel insurer, is warning holidaymakers that insurance claims for injuries caused by dangerous new crazes will be turned down as the company sees an increase in incidents.
AXA UK interim results show strong growth and improved profitability
Financial results
4 August 2011
June 2011 interim results demonstrate that the strategic review implemented in the second half of 2010 to focus on wealth management, healthcare and general insurance is on track to deliver strong, profitable growth
You have reached your destination – Brits guide burglars to rich pickings
7 July 2011
AXA warns of dangers with SatNavs as 13 million British motorists provide burglars with their home address and over eight million leave their house keys to go with it.
Only half of Britain’s young people are excited about the London Olympics but staging them is making more kids want to get involved in sport
Financial results
21 June 2011
New research shows that Britain’s young people are being inspired to take up sport by the prospect of the Olympics coming to London.
Why Britain’s hunt for a new tennis hero needs a magic ingredient... excitement
Financial results
15 June 2011
British tennis will struggle to find new champions until schools and communities make the game exciting and accessible, an AXA study into young people’s ambitions has concluded.