Gone are the days when burglars needed wheelbarrows and vans to escape with valuable goods, these days little more than a rucksack will suffice. Research from AXA home Insurance revealed that the average home contains approximately £5,218 of gadgets, jewellery and portable electrical items, making a grand total of over £135.5bn across the UK and £17.68 for every square metre*.
As well as having the most up-to-date gadgets in their possession, a quarter of households surveyed (25%) said that they also keep up to £1,302 worth of jewellery in their homes, which adds to a modern day treasure trove of iPads, iPods, games consoles and other items that a burglar can get their hands on.
However, £135.5bn is just the tip of the iceberg; many UK homes boast enough small gadgets and jewellery to the value of over £6,500, which confirms that we have indeed become a nation of tiny tech geeks. Over a quarter (26%) of Brits have two laptops/iPads and 10% have three games consoles! Three in ten households own two mobile phones and a further quarter have up to two smartphones at home.
In comparison to ten years ago, when the majority of us owned bulkier, heavier electrical items such as CD players (80%), video recorders (67%) and desktop computers (64%) burgling a house was more of an arduous task, but that isn't the case anymore.
Top 5 tips to keep your contents safe
- Store desirable electrical goods / games consoles in cupboards rather than leaving them on show
- Store valuable items like jewellery in a safe
- Install a visual burglar alarm and good outside lighting
- Leave radios or lights in your house on a timer and keep ladders and tools stored away
- Make sure that you are suitably insured!
* Based on an average home with a floor plan of 90 square metres