We might collect personal information, such as your contact details, information about your bank or credit cards. The information we collect depends on which products or services you’re interested in, or we think you may be interested in; for example; if you are interested in obtaining car or travel insurance, we’ll collect information about the car you drive or where you’re planning to travel to and for medical insurance, we may ask you about you or your family’s medical history. Please note, in certain circumstances we may request and/or receive “sensitive” personal information about you. For example, we may need access to some of your health records for the purposes of providing you with a policy or processing claims, or details of any court or HMRC judgments for the purposes of preventing, detecting and investigating fraud. Please see below for a more detailed list of personal information we collect.
The information that we collect will depend on our relationship with you. If we need information about other people named on your policy, we may ask you to provide the information below in relation to those people too, if this is relevant to your insurance. For completeness, when we refer to “sensitive personal information”, we include both Special Category Personal Data and Criminal Conviction Data.
Where AXA Insurance UK Plc is the data controller of your personal information, we may collect the following about you:
Personal information
contact details such as name, email address, postal address and telephone numbers including any telephone number collected by our telephone system when you call us
details of any other persons included on the policy where they are named on your policy and the relationship to you as policyholder
identification information such as your date of birth, national insurance number, passport and driving licence
financial information such as bank details, credit card details and information obtained as a result of any credit checks, bankruptcies and other financial information such as county court judgements or HMRC investigations
where applicable, details of any vulnerabilities in customers' personal circumstances identified and the support offered
information relevant to your insurance policy such as details about your vehicle, property, previous policies or claims, recent damage
information from your vehicle’s on-board diagnostics device or telematics App, such as your location and location history, speed, distance driven, mileage reading, your cars vehicle identity number (VIN), any engine faults and warning lights, cornering and braking and fuel and battery level where you are a telematics insurance policy holder
information relevant to your claim or your involvement in the matter giving rise to a claim, video surveillance and tracking technology, such as dashcam footage where appropriate, CCTV or Automatic Number Plate Recognition “ANPR” (number plate recognition technology)
information about the nature of your business and commercial assets
information obtained through our use of cookies. You can find out more about this in our cookies policy
your marketing preferences
information collected from your device(s) including IP address, device information (e.g. device type, operating system) and browser
Sensitive personal information
details of your current or former physical or mental health or condition
details regarding criminal offences, including alleged offences, criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences (previous criminal convictions)
Where an AXA Health company is the data controller of your personal information, we may collect the following information about you:
Personal information
contact details such as name, email address, postal address and telephone numbers including any telephone number collected by our telephone system when you call us
nationality and/or country of residence
the relationship of you to other people associated with you in our records, for example, partner, parent, child and the gender you identify as
lifestyle and social circumstances, for example; your interests, such as whether you play a sport, your housing status and number of dependents
identification information such as your date of birth, national insurance number, passport, crime identification number and driving licence
financial information such as bank details, credit card details and information obtained as a result of any credit checks, bankruptcies and other financial information such as county court judgments
where applicable, details of any vulnerabilities in customers' personal circumstances identified and the support offered
employment details such as name of any employer and work location
information obtained through our use of cookies. You can find out more about this in our cookies policy
information relevant to your claim or your involvement in the matter giving rise to a claim
information about the goods and services you have with AXA
information about the goods and services you have provided to us (if you are a supplier)
your marketing preferences
information collected from your device(s) including IP address, device information (e.g. device type, operating system) and browser
Sensitive personal information
details of your current or former physical or mental health or condition
details concerning sexual life or sexual orientation (details not actively sought but could be provided in support of a claim or when using our 24/7 health support line)
details regarding criminal offences; including alleged offences, criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences (previous criminal convictions)